All in Curator

One Word for the New Year

Happy New Year! Thank you for joining me on this JRNEY and the first post of the new year! If this is your first time visiting JRNEY, welcome! I hope you enjoy the stories and content here, and I hope you come back. For those of you who have been with me from the start, thank you, and welcome back!  

What's On- FETC 2018!

January is almost here, and that means FETC. For those of you who aren't familiar with this epic event, it's the Future of Education Technology Conference that takes place in Orlando every year. JRNEY will be in attendance this year as a guest blogger. 

World Children's Day

Happy World Children's Day, the perfect day to hand the reigns to your students, to think about how much input they have in what they are learning, and to make it a point to value their voice and provide opportunities for them to use it. 

Global Learning at #NAGC17

On November 11, I had the honor of presenting at the National Association for Gifted Children annual convention. Here some highlights from the event and thoughts for where gifted education can take on a global perspective. 

An Ox With a Plow

How did I get here? I have often asked myself that question as I have gone about my adult life. Twists and turns based on seemingly small decisions have laid the groundwork for my life as it stands now and what lies ahead.